Friday, November 19, 2010

Procedure Text :DD

in this time we learn about procedure text. before we know more about "procedure text" let's we know what's the meaning of procedure text. well, procedure text purpose to describe how something is accomplished through a sequence of actions or steps. the structure of procedure text are:
► goal or title
► materials, or the things you need to achieve the goal
► steps. the steps are oriented to achieving the goal
language features on procedure text are:
× use simple present tense
× imperative tense
× temporal conjunction, i.e. first, second, third, then, next, finally . . .
× use action verbs

       ××× EXAMPLE ×××

ingredients: tomatoes, cheese topping, spices, flour, yeast, pan

#1 get some yeast and a pan
#2 turn on your bread machine
#3 put flour, yeast into bread machine
#4 take out in 30 min to an hour
#5 smash tomatoes, open can put spices on pizza
#6 open cheese bag sprinkle on sauce
#7 put topping of your choice on the pizza
#8 cook in oven 30 min to an hour
#9 open oven and takeout pizza. Caution, pan is hot!!
#10 cut pizza into slice 


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